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Help & Support for Trend Micro®

Get Trend Micro Help & Support from GuruAid's Certified Technicians

Trend Micro is a renowned antivirus brand which provides security to millions of customers. At GuruAid we provide 24x7 online help and support for Trend Micro Antivirus. Our certified experts can guide you to install, uninstall, reinstall, troubleshoot, update and upgrade Trend Micro antivirus software.

  1. Setup & install Trend Micro Antivirus products & applications
  2. Configure security settings for higher level of protection
  3. Customize antivirus settings as per your requirements
  4. Repair and recover corrupted or lost files and folders
  5. Scan & remove virus, spyware and other malicious programs from your PC
  6. Fix & troubleshoot Trend Micro Problems
  7. Optimize performance of your PC
  8. Tune up your computer so that it runs at an optimal speed
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